Zamestnanci - Kurz prvej pomoci
Cieľová skupina: zamestnanci v zmysle BOZP
Kurz je určený pre zamestnancov malých, stredných ale aj veľkých podnikov, pre zamestnancov úradov, bánk a ďalších inštitúcií, ktorých zamestnávateľ je v zmysle § 8 zákona č. 124/2006 Z.z. o bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci povinný pravidelne školiť zamestnancov v poskytovaní prvej pomoci. Na kurze naučíme Vašich zamestnancov potrebné vedomosti a zručnosti pre poskytovanie prvej pomoci pri úrazových a neúrazových život ohrozujúcich stavoch na pracovisku. V prípade záujmu vybavíme Vaše pracovisko lekárničkami a ďalšou výbavou pre poskytovanie prvej pomoci.
Trvanie: 8 vyučovacích hodín (1 hodina – 45 minút)
Skúška: Teoretická a praktická
Výstup: Potvrdenie o absolvovaní kurzu prvej pomoci
Akreditácia: Ministerstvo zdravotníctva SR

Lorem Ipsum je fiktívny text, ktorý sa používa na vyplnenie obsahu webstránok. Lorem Ipsum je fiktívny text, na vyplnenie obsahu webstránok.

Čo je to Lorem Ipsum?
“My strong attachment to French cuisine comes from my mother. I also grew up in Japan, on land at the same latitude as France, rich in legumes and other roots. When I decided to make it my profession, I started out in a 5-star hotel to learn the basics. I then developed an immoderate respect for small producers and their products, which I like to work with, in their entirety, right down to the root, right to the bone. This anti-waste approach is common to both my French culture and that of my Japanese origins. I cook with all my heart, and in that sense, you could say I’m a true enthusiast.”
This is how chef Satoshi Horiuchi explains his culinary philosophy. Passionate, he is!

After starting his career in high-end catering at the 5-star Windsor Hotel Toya Resort & Spa in Japan, Chef Satoshi Horiuchi moved to France and fell in love with French gastronomy. He immerses himself in traditional French terroir cuisine in the kitchens of Le Cornichon, an award-winning bistronomic restaurant named best bistro in 2013. The restaurant, which offers tasty, flavorful classics of French cuisine, enabled him to quickly acquire the techniques and skills of French chefs. He continues his apprenticeship and the development of his culinary talents at Au Bon Accueil, a Michelin-starred restaurant located near the Eiffel Tower, where he offers refined yet modern cuisine, with a touch of originality and an emphasis on taste and product quality. In his dashing thirties, he now shares his gastronomic creativity behind the open kitchen stoves at Passionné.
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